Kanchipuram’s Kashmira connection(4B/5)

The Atharva Veda Tradition in Kashmir

A very old copy of Atharva Veda manuscript (Birch Bark) in the Sharada script found in the then Maharaja’s library was given to a German Indologist.

As early as 1870, searching for Atharvaveda manuscripts Prof. Rudolph von Roth, the German Indologist wrote to the Maharajah asking for the manuscript. The Maharaja however, declined. Prof. Roth then wrote to him asking for a Devnagari version of the manuscript.

The Maharajah then employed some scholars to transliterate the manuscript in Devanagari script from the original Sharada. He sent one copy to Prof. Roth. When Prof. Roth scanned through the contents, he realized that this was one of the rarest manuscripts he had come across and set his heart upon getting it. He approached a senior British official who was the Lt. Gen. of Allahabad then. He in turn entered into a long negotiation with the Maharajah of Kashmir. After several rounds of discussions and offers, the Maharaja parted with the original Sharada manuscript.

Later, the manuscript housed in the Tubingen University library, Germany has been given back to India in form of CD ROM’s.

This significant information implies that Kashmir was once a land of Vedas and that it possessed great scholars well versed in the Atharva Veda also.

Role of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetha in protecting Ancient Vedic Tradition of Kashmira desha

Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetha’s intense efforts for preservation and sustenance of Vedic traditions is well known.

His Holiness Shri Chandrashekharendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal’s (the 68th Jagadguru Acharya of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetha) endeavor in protection of Vedas is unparalleled. In the mid sixties (1965) His Holiness after a long search to find a competent traditional teacher belonging to Swashakha Atharva Veda, sent two young South Indian Vidyarthis to study Atharvaveda from Shri Ramanik Lal Pancholi, a great Atharvaveda Scholar in Sinor Village, Vadodara District, Gujarat in the traditional Gurukula way. The two scholars returned back after completion and today, have trained about 200 scholars in South India. Presently efforts are on to spread the knowledge received from the land of Gujarat, to entire country where traditional Atharva Veda study is fast declining.

The Jagadguru Acharyas Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam have ordained for conducting regular Veda Parayanam events to be organized at various places in Kashmir, for universal peace and prosperity. In pursuance of Their directions, Rig samhita homa and Atharva veda Sammelan, Viswa Shanthi Maha Yagnyas and Samskriti Saptahams have been held in Jammu, Srinagar, Leh and such regions.

Kanchipuram’s Kashmira connection (4A/5)

Sivarahasyam and Krityaratnakara

Kashmir has been a centre for Vedic culture and tradition, birth place of Kashyap Mahamuni and abode of Goddess Saraswathi Devi.

Maharaja Ranbir Singh of Kashmir was a visionary king and seeker of knowledge. He collected many rare manuscripts . “Kritya-Ratnakara,” a 2000-page book was authored under the orders of the Maharaja.

This informative work enlightens us about the significance of each day of the year and provides guidance on observing various Vratas daily for leading a purposeful life. The Krityaratnakara manuscript is preserved in the Raghunath Temple Library, in Jammu. We come to know that “Kritya-Ratnakara” is also kept in the library of the Tunga Sringeri matha.

It is also interesting to note here that in the Krityaratnakara book, a specific reference to Shivarahasyam is found as part of the Uma Maheshvara Puja (vrata).

It is this same Shivarahasyam that talks of the life history of Shankaracharya bringing back the five sphatika lingas from Kailash and establishing them in various places and attaining Siddhi in Kanchipuram, the only Mokshapuri in Southern India.

Maharaja Ranbir Singh also established dharamshalas in Rameshvaram. It is to be mentioned that his charity in the Rameshwara Kshetra clearly was not under the influence of any Acharya in the South but purely as a reflection of the Dharma of the land- the same dharma that the Mahratta Kings of Tanjore and Nattukkottai chettiyars established their chatrams and other Charities in Varanashi.

Image: Paper Manuscript of Krityaratnakara- Quote from Sivarahasyam-Umamaheshvara Vrata

Kanchipuram’s Kashmira Connection (4/5)

Sri Sankaracharya, who hailed from the southern part of our country had travelled to Kashmir, more than two millenniums ago and spread the vedic message of truth, oneness & harmony.

In the capital Shrinagar, there is a Gopa temple on top of the Gopadri, that later came to be known as Sankaracharya temple. Gwasha lal in his “Short History of Kashmir” says that this temple was built by Sandiman in 2629-2564 CE and later on repaired by Gopaditya (426-356 B CE) and Lalitaditya (699 – 736 CE). It was later renovated by a Muslim King.

Cunningham and Crole in their report, say that “Shankaracharya Temple in Kashmira was built around 220 BCE by the bauddha king ashoka’s son Jaluka who was a Shiva bhakta”. The historical text Rajatarangini narrates the histories of the kings Gopaditya and Jaluka.

The Rajatarangini authored by Kalhana has recorded the existence of a temple in the name of Sri Sankaracharya and its renovation by a Kashmiri King Gopaditya.

Others mention 300 CE as the date of its construction. Whatever be the case, the Sankaracharya Temple and its date of construction cannot be pushed beyond 300 CE thus making the date of Shankaracharya as 788 CE attested by only one Sankarite Institution situated on the banks of Tunga irreconcilable and untenable.

If one accepts the tradition that Shankaracharya visited Kashmir and the Hill and temple constructed in memory of His visit, then they must accept the traditional date of Sri Sankara Bhagavatpadacharya as accepted by Jyotirmatha, Dwaraka matha, Kudali Sringeri Matha and Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha – some of the other institutions established by Sri Sankaracharya.

As ordained by Jagadguru Sri Sankankaracharyas of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha, the Sankara Jayanti Mahotsav has been celebrated at this Shankaracharya Hill every year to commemorate the Great Saint’s contribution to India’s unity in this holy land.

More details : https://connect.kamakoti.org/kashmir

Kanchipuram’s Kashmira Connection (3/5)

ஸ்ரீசங்கர பகவத்பாதர்களின் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடாரோஹணம்

‘ஸர்வஜ்ஞ’ என்ற சொல்லிற்கு ‘எல்லா அறிவும் பெற்றவர்” எனப் பொருள் கூறலாம். அத்தகைய ஸர்வஜ்ஞர்கள் அமரக்கூடிய பீடமே ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடம் ஆகும்.

ஸ்ரீசங்கராசார்யர்தான் ஸர்வஜ்ஞர் எனில் மிகையாகாது. ஸ்ரீசங்கர பகவத்பாதர்களின் ஜீவ்ய சரித்திரத்தைக் கொண்ட ஐந்து ஸம்ஸ்க்ருதக் காப்பியங்களில் அவர் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடமேறிய நிகழ்வு கூறப்படுகின்றது.

இந்நிகழ்ச்சி காஷ்மீரத்தில் நடைபெற்றதாக, மாதவர் என்பார் இயற்றிய ‘சங்கர திக்விஜயத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளது. இராஜ சூடாமணி தீக்ஷிதரின் சங்கராப்யுதயத்தில் காஞ்சியில் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடமேறினதாகக் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது. சித்விலாஸ சங்கர விஜயத்தின், 25-ஆவது அத்தியாயத்தில், 46 முதல் 61 முடிய. 16 செய்யுட்களில், சங்கரரின் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடாரோஹண வைபவம் விவரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

இப்படியாக வட இந்தியாவில் ஒரு புனித இடத்தில் ஓரிடத்தில் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடம் ஏறியது மற்ற சங்கர விஜயங்களிலிருந்து பாடல்களைத் தொகுத்தும், சில புதிய கதைகளைச் சேர்த்தும் மாதவர் என்னும் நவகாளிதாஸர் என்பாரால் பதினெட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் இயற்றப்பட்ட மாதவிய சங்கர விஜயத்தில் கண்டுள்ளபோதிலும், இந் நூலுக்கு வெகு காலம் முன்பே உருவான பிற சங்கர விஜய நூல்களில் தென் பாரதத்தில், மோக்ஷபுரியான காஞ்சியிலும் ஸ்ரீ ஆதிசங்கரர் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடாரோஹணம் செய்தருளிய விவரம் தெளிவும் சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளமை அறியத்தக்கது.

காஞ்சியின் மறுபெயர் காஷ்மீரம்

கேரளப் பகுதியைச் சேர்ந்த கோவிந்தநாதர் இயற்றிய ‘சங்கராச்சார்ய சரிதம்’ என்ற சிறு வரலாற்றின் ஒன்பதாம் அத்தியாயத்தில், முதல் 16 சுலோகங்கள் காஞ்சியில் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடமேறிய வரலாற்றை கூறுகின்றன. பின்னர் மறுபடியும். அதே அத்தியாயத்தில், 77ஆம் செய்யுளில், காஞ்சிபுரத்தையடைந்த ஸ்ரீஆதிசங்கரர். ஸரஸ்வதியை வென்று, அங்கு ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடாரோஹணம் செய்து, பின்னர் சீடர்களுடன், விருஷாசலத்திற்குச் சென்று. அங்கு இவ்வுலகத்தை விட்டு ஸாயுஜ்யமடைந்தது சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளது.

கோவிந்தநாதர் ஆசார்யரின் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடாரோஹணம் காஞ்சியில் நடந்தேறிய விவரம் கூறியுள்ள தில், இரண்டு விஷயங்களைக் கூர்ந்து கவனிக்க வேண்டியுள்ளது. அத்தியாயத்தின் இறுதிப்பகுதியில் ஸ்ரீ ஆசார்யர்களின் ஸர்வஜ்ஞ பீடாரோஹணத்திற்குப்பின் அவரது மறைவு குறிப்பிடுவது ஒன்று. அத்தியாயத்தின் முதல் சுலோகத்திலும், அடுத்துள்ள சுலோகத்திலும் –

“பூமியை (பாரத நாட்டை) வலமாக யாத்திரை செய்து, மறுபடி காஞ்சிபுரத்தை அடைந்தார். இக் காஞ்சிபுரம், ஜம்பூத்வீபத்திற்கே பிரகாசத்தையளிக்கும் பாரதமண்டலத்தில் காஷ்மீரம் என்ற பெயருடனும் புகழடைந்துள்ளது’ என்று கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது இரண்டாம் விஷயம்.

இதிலிருந்து காஞ்சிபுரத்திற்கு காஷ்மீரம் என ஒரு மாற்றுப் பெயரும் பண்டைக்காலத்தில் இருந்திருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை தெளிவாக நாம் அறியலாம்.

இப்படி தென்னிந்திய நகரங்கள் சிலவற்றிற்கு வட இந்திய நகரங்களின் பெயர்கள் சூட்டப்படுவது வழக்கில் இருந்ததற்குச் சான்றுகள் உள.

உதாரணமாகத் தமிழகத்திலுள்ள தென்னார்க்காடு மாவட்டத்தின் தலைமையிடமான கடலூர் திருப்பாதிரிப்புலியூர் எனவும் அழைக்கப்படுகின்றது. இத் திருப்பாதிரிப்புலியூர் தேவாரப்புகழ்பெற்ற சிவத்தலம் ஆகும். இங்கு கோயில் கொண்டு விளங்கும் ஈசனுக்குப் பாடலீச்வரர் எனப்பெயர். இக் கோயிலிலுள்ள சில கல்வெட்டுகளிலும்,மற்றும் அருகிலுள்ள சில ஊர்ச் சிலாசாஸனங்களிலும் இவ்வூரின் பெயர் ‘பாடலிபுரம்’ என்று காணப்படுகின்றது. மகதராஜ்யத்தின் பண்டைத் தலைநகர் சரித்திரப் புகழ் பெற்ற பாடலிபுத்ரம் (பாடலிபுரம்) என்பது அறிந்ததே.

பெருஞ்சிறப்பு வாய்ந்த ‘பாடலிபுரம்’ என்ற பெயர், தென்னாட்டிலுள்ள ஒரு கடற்கரைப் பட்டினத்திற்கும் முன்னர் இருந்துள்ளதென்பதும் இதன்மூலம் தெளிவாகின்றதல்லவா?

(ஸ்ரீகாஞ்சீ காமகோடி பீடாதிபதிகள் ஜகத்குரு பூஜ்யஸ்ரீ சந்த்ரசேகரேந்த்ர ஸரஸ்வதீ சங்கராசார்ய ஸ்வாமிகள் அவர்கள் அருளியவற்றுளிலிருந்து இந்நாள் அவர்களின் திருவவதார மஹோத்ஸவ தினத்தையொட்டி தொகுக்கப்பட்டு ஸ்ரீபாதபுஷ்பமாக அட்டித் தொழுது பணிந்து ஸமர்ப்பிக்கப்படுகிறது.)

FAQs – Kashmir and Kamakoti

Kanchipuram’s Kashmira Connection (2/5)

Question: Which other city was known in ancient times as Kashmira and was a peetham of Vagdevi kamakshi?

Answer: Kanchipuram was well-known by the name Kashmira in the South; Govindanatha in his Sankaracharya Charitam says, “भूयः काञ्चीपुरं गतः । जम्बूद्वीपस्य कुर्वाणे शोभां भारतमण्डले । शस्तं काश्मीरनामानं देश विद्योतयद्भृशम् । कामाक्ष्या नाम वाग्देव्याः स्थानं तत्पुरमाप्तवान्” – गोविन्दनाथीये ।

“Bhagavatpada went to Kanchipuram again. Adorning Jambudvipa in Bharatamandala, there brightly shone a place named Kashmiram. He reached that place belonging to Vakdevata Kamakshi” says Govindanatha.

Vyasachaliya Shankara Vijaya also begins the context of Sarvajnapitharohanam “In Jambudvipa in the earth and there too in the mandala known as Bharata, there is a mandala named Kashmira the location of Vagdevata and ends with “In this manner, He worshipping that Devi who is beyond words, He ascended that Sarvajnapitha in the Matha established by Himself.

As per the mother’s words he conducted vādam with various scholars who came there and lived in Kanchipuram for sometime”

“जम्बूद्वीपे शस्यतेऽस्यां पृथिव्यां तत्राप्येतन्मण्डलं भारताख्यम् । काश्मीराख्यं मण्डलं तत्र शस्तं यत्रास्ते सा शारदा वागधीशा’ … “एवं निरुत्तरपदां स विधाय देवीं सर्वज्ञपीठमधिरुह्य मठे स्वक्लृप्ते। मात्रा गिरामपि तथोपगतैश्च मिश्रैः संभावित: कमपि कालमुवास काञ्च्याम्” ।

We also have the very first verse of Acharya Shri MukaShankarendra Sarasvati who adores Her who dwells in Kanchipuram in the Kamakoti Pitha, her shariram as delicate as the “Kashmira” flower invoking Kanchi and Kashmira in the same breadth.

Kanchipuram’s Kashmira Connection (1/5)

Sarvajna Peetharohana of Sri Sankaracharya at Kanchi

Sri Sankaracharya’s ascent to the Sarvajnapeetha (The Throne of Omniscience) at Kanchipuram, in South India holds immense historical importance.

This significant event is documented in various texts such as Cidvilasa’s Sankaravijaya Vilasa, Govindanantha’s Sankaracharya Charita, and Rajachudamani Dikshita’s Sankarabhyudaya.

Cidvilasa, a devoted disciple of the Tunga Sringeri matha, pays utmost reverence to Bhagavatpada’s Sarvajnapeetharohana at Kanchipuram in his biography.

As a staunch follower of the Tunga Sringeri matha, Cidvilasa’s account takes on a special significance, as he brings his deep understanding and spiritual connection to the narrative. Through the eloquence of sixteen carefully crafted verses, Cidvilasa masterfully paints a vivid picture of Sankaracharya’s ascent to the Sarvajnapeetha at the Kanchi kshetra.

Cidvilasa’s portrayal of Sri Sankaracharya’s Sarvajnapeetharohanam at Kanchipuram, in South India, carries a sense of authenticity and serves as a testament to his unwavering faith in the event’s profound significance.

FAQs – Mathamnaya Scheme – Naming Discrepancies

Question: Does the deviation from the Prescribed Naming Convention by the Dvaraka, Puri and Tunga Sringeri Mathas Cast Doubts on Their Adherence to the Mathamnaya Scheme?

Answer: In response to this question, Matthew Clarke, a researcher who has extensively studied this subject, offers the following conclusive answer supported by compelling evidence.

According to the guru-parampara of (Tunga) Śrngeri (see Aiyer and Sastri 1962:164–181), none of the first four ācārya-s of the Sṛngeri after Sankara are named Sarasvati, Bhāratī or Purī, as they should be according to the Maṭhāmnāya; ācārya-s nos. 8 to 11, and nos. 35 and 36 are named Tirtha (located at Dvārakā in the Mathamnaya); and acārya-s nos. 5, 6 and 7 are Giris (located at Jyotir matha in the Mathamnaya).

There are no Puris or Sarasvatis in the list at all.

In the Kuḍalī list all the ācārya-s are Bhāratīs.

Of the seventy-nine acarya-s of Dvārakā (Tīrtha and Asrama according to the Mathamnaya), only six are Tirtha, one is a Sarasvati (acc. Śrigerī), thirty-six are Asrama, while the rest have other names.

The 144 ācārya-s of the Jagannatha matha should be called either Vana or Aranya, according to the Mathamnaya, yet none of them have that name.

After the eighteenth, all but two are Tirtha (located at Dvārakā in the Mathamnaya) and the first seventeen have other names. (No guru – parampara is provided by Aiyer and Sastri for the Jyotir matha.)” – Matthew Clark (2006)

In summary, the deviation from the prescribed naming conventions in these three Sankarite institutions viz. Dvārakā, Jagannatha and Tunga Śrigerī, raises questions about their adherence to the Mathamnaya scheme, casting doubt on their claimed consistency.

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FAQs – Alterations in Madhaviya Sankara Vijaya

Question: What were the specific alterations made for the first time to the Anandāśrama edition of the (Madhaviya) Sankara digvijaya (MSV) regarding the title of the work and author’s name?

Answer: In an intriguing turn of events, the widely circulated Anandāśrama edition of the Sankara digvijaya had undergone some significant alterations.

Despite the colophons at the conclusion of each of the sixteen chapters clearly attributing the text to Madhava, the editor of the Anandāśrama publication took the liberty to change not only the title of the work to Samkṣepa- Sankara-jaya but also the author’s name to Madhava-Vidyaranya.

This deliberate modification marks the first instance of introducing the revered sage Vidyaranya’s name into the narrative, presumably with the intention of enhancing the popularity and reach of this work.

As a result of this deliberate and intentional alteration, the modified version of the text gained significant popularity among both Indian and Western scholars.

This deliberate attempt to introduce the name of the revered sage Vidyaranya into the narrative seemed to have successfully enhanced the work’s appeal and recognition in academic circles. The modified edition, now titled “Samkṣepa – Sankara – jaya” and attributed to Madhava-Vidyaranya, captured the attention and interest of scholars, contributing to its widespread recognition and study.

FAQs – Mathamnaya – First Matha

Question: According to the Mathamnayas, which matha holds the distinction of being the very first one to have been founded?

Answer: According to all the Mathmnayas, Dwaraka matha is the first of the four mathas to have been founded. Sarada pitha, at Dwaraka is the “first amnaya matha”- “prathamaḥ paścimamnayaḥ śāradāmaṭha ucyate”.

However, Anandagiri, a follower of the Kanchi Tradition, along with his followers Cidvilasa and Kasi Lakshmana Sastri, the author of GVK, both adherents of the Tunga Sringeri matha, assert in their works that Tungabhadra Sringeri was the site where the first matha was founded.

Further research on this subject is warranted due to the disagreement between mathamnaya texts and hagiographies on whether the first founded matha was Dwaraka or Tungabhadra Sringeri.

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FAQs – Mathamnaya – Cidvilasiya

Question: Why do Mathamnaya theorists consider Cidvilasa Sankaravijaya to be exceptionally unique and significant and could you specify the exact location where Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada ascended the Sarvajna Peetha according to this historical account?

Answer: Cidvilasa is an adherent of the Tunga Sringeri Matha, presents a unique perspective in his Sankaravijaya by claiming that the Acharya established four mathas. Cidvilasa clearly asserts that Sri Sankaracharya ascended the Sarvajna Peetha exclusively at Kanchipuram.

Image: 19th Century Palm-leaf Tamil manuscript of Cidvilasa Sankaravijaya – Translation of the Skt. original text from the Tunga Sringeri matha, evidencing Sri Sankaracharya’s Sarvajna Peetharohanam at Kanchipuram.

May be an image of text

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