Sri Sankaracharya: A Brief Biographical Sketch

” The extraordinary composure of mind exhibited by his writings forms a striking contrast to those of the other reformers and philosophic writers, and would induce any reader to think that he had nothing to do with Buddhist or any other persecutions as Mr. A. Barth represents when he says that the disciples of Sri Sankaráchárya “Organized into military bands and constituted themselves the rabid (!) defenders of orthodoxy.”

With the exception perhaps of this single writer, every one else firmly believes that he was too philosophical to have hand in those persecutions.

Lastly, towards the end of his life he came to the south, but had to leave his body and this world in Conjeveram, at the early age of thirty-two. We think Conjeveram was the most probable place (of his Nirvana, for at present there is an image of him in the temple of the famous goddess Kámákshi, and judging from the style of architecture and the local traditions to the effect that his body lies buried underneath the image, which is now worshipped.

For Sri Sankaráchárya and his works we have a very high reverence. The loftines calmness, and firmness of his mind, the impartiality with which he deals with the various questions, his clearness of expression – all of these make us revere the philosopher, more and more:.”

– Pandit N.Bhashyacharya,

Adyar Oriental Library

10th October, 1889