Sri Virupaksha Sringeri Matha.. 2

The following three paragraphs are from ‘Sri Sankaracharya and Sankarite Institutions’ by Anantanandendra Sarasvati, 139 and 140. pages & “The Sringeri Math- A Research Study’ by B.Krishnan, in pages 40 and 41.

Note: According to K.R.Venkatrama Iyer, an adherent of the Tunga Sringeri Matha, the following answer was given by the eminent pandits who met in the Surat conference In S.1808 (A. D. 1886) and issued a pamphlet entitled संशयतिमिर भास्कर.

” सन्ति शाखामठाः शृंगेरि मठस्य तेषां नामानि कुडली, करवीर, पुष्पगिरि, हंपी, अवनि, शिवगंगेतिषट्तत्पीठस्था अपि आचार्य परंपरागता एव ।

( Kudali Matha, K.R.Venkatrama Iyer, Formerly Director of Public Instruction, Puduccottah State, Published by K.N.Natesan, Sri Sarada Institute, Salem-1).

Sri Virupaksha Sringeri Matha ..1

According to tradition and available literary sources a matha was established by Sri Vidyaranya at Virupaksha, on the bank of the Tungabhadra.

According to the Pushpagiri Mathamnaya Stotra, which is quoted at length in the booklet (in Telugu), entitled Sankara-matha Tatvaprakasikartha-Sangraha, written by Kokkandram Venkatrathnam Pantulu, and published in 1877 A.D., the founding of this math by Sri Vidyaranya and his installing one of his two disciples Narasimha Bharati, as first Acharya of this new Matha is dated in the cyclic year Subhakrit – 1362 A.D.

– B.Krishnan, Madras (1991)