Kanchipuram’s Kashmira Connection (4/5)

Sri Sankaracharya, who hailed from the southern part of our country had travelled to Kashmir, more than two millenniums ago and spread the vedic message of truth, oneness & harmony.

In the capital Shrinagar, there is a Gopa temple on top of the Gopadri, that later came to be known as Sankaracharya temple. Gwasha lal in his “Short History of Kashmir” says that this temple was built by Sandiman in 2629-2564 CE and later on repaired by Gopaditya (426-356 B CE) and Lalitaditya (699 – 736 CE). It was later renovated by a Muslim King.

Cunningham and Crole in their report, say that “Shankaracharya Temple in Kashmira was built around 220 BCE by the bauddha king ashoka’s son Jaluka who was a Shiva bhakta”. The historical text Rajatarangini narrates the histories of the kings Gopaditya and Jaluka.

The Rajatarangini authored by Kalhana has recorded the existence of a temple in the name of Sri Sankaracharya and its renovation by a Kashmiri King Gopaditya.

Others mention 300 CE as the date of its construction. Whatever be the case, the Sankaracharya Temple and its date of construction cannot be pushed beyond 300 CE thus making the date of Shankaracharya as 788 CE attested by only one Sankarite Institution situated on the banks of Tunga irreconcilable and untenable.

If one accepts the tradition that Shankaracharya visited Kashmir and the Hill and temple constructed in memory of His visit, then they must accept the traditional date of Sri Sankara Bhagavatpadacharya as accepted by Jyotirmatha, Dwaraka matha, Kudali Sringeri Matha and Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha – some of the other institutions established by Sri Sankaracharya.

As ordained by Jagadguru Sri Sankankaracharyas of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha, the Sankara Jayanti Mahotsav has been celebrated at this Shankaracharya Hill every year to commemorate the Great Saint’s contribution to India’s unity in this holy land.

More details : https://connect.kamakoti.org/kashmir