i. Upanishad Brahmendra
iii. Upanishad Brahmendra II – Commentator of 108 Upanishads. (Vasudevendra Sarasvati had two other Sishyas Krishnananda Sarasvati and Svayamprakasa Sarasvati)
iv. Rama Brahmendra Sarasvati (Disciple of Svayamprakasa Sarasvati author of Tatvasangraha Ramayana, Ramayana Tatvadarpana and various other works)
v. Anantananda Sarasvati
vi. Gnanendra Sarasvati
vii. Vasudevendra Sarasvati
viii. Brahmanendra Sarasvati
ix. Ishtasiddindra Sarasvati
X. Krishnanandendra Sarasvati
X. Anantanandendra Saraswati
Anantanandendra Sarasvati, author of Vedanta Sara Sangraha (Ramayana Printing Press, Madras) says that he is the sishya of one Mahadevendra Sarasvati who was the prasishya (grand disciple) of Upanishad Brahmendra Sarasvati.
He says that Mahadevendra Sarasvati had 10 sishyas of whom he was one and that he consecreted a Sivalinga at Virunchipuram.
(Source: Anantanandendra’s paper ms.)