“Anandagiriya Sankara Vijayam” unmistakably dwells on the fact that Sankara re-established Ganapatya as one of the Shan-matas.
In the 71st prakarana, it is stated that when Sankara once for all took his abode in Kanchi, he sent out Girijakumara to spread Ganapatyam throughout the land; and that Girijakumara did accordingly and reported to Sankara the success of his mission.
Ganapati again, is one of the five deities worshipped in the Panchayatana Puja prescribed by Sankara.
The great Ganapati Pitha of Morgaon-Shri Yogindra
math-considers Shri Sankara Bhagavadpada as one of the Yugacharyas of Ganapatyam along with
Ganaka (Krta of Yuga),
Mudgala (Treta Yuga),
Bhrgu and Veda Vyasa (Dvapara Yuga).
Sri Sankara Bhagavadpada is referred to as Ganesa Acharya of Kali Yuga.
– Sankara Kinkara, Sankara And Shanmata (1969)