In 1725 C.E., during the reign of King Sahu in the Maratha country, the Swamis of Kudali, Shankeshvara, and Tunga Mathas visited Satara at the king’s invitation in order to resolve their dispute regarding their spiritual jurisdictions amicably. In this important meeting, with the unanimous consent of the Acharyas of Kudali, Shankeshvara, and Tunga Mathas, King Sahu allocated the territories: the northern regions were assigned to Shankeshvara Matha, the southern regions to Kudali Matha, and the Tunga Matha was entrusted with the worship of Shri Sharadamba at their location. Notably, there was no mention of modern texts like the Mathamnaya or Madhaviya during their discussion. This confirms that such ideas were promoted only at a later time.(Sources: History of Sankesvara Mutt, Article published in Indian Patriot, April -June 1912 & Sringeri Matt (Its History) published by (Aviccinna?) Kudali mutt)