Sareeraka Meemamsa Bhashya (Brahmasutra Bhashya) of Shri Shankaracarya, printed at Venkatesvara (Steam) Press, Bombay, was published in 1913.
Mahavidvan Kasi Sesha Venkatachala Sastri (Dharmadhikari and Hereditary Court Pandit of the Maharajas of Mysore) who has edited the work, has written a lengthy Bhumika, (preface) to the Bhashya, in Sanskrit, which contains much of information about Shri Sankara Bhagavatpada’s date, His life, Shankarite Institutions etc.
He has concluded his discussion on ‘Shri Shankaracharya’s time (vide page 59 of Bhumika (preface) to Sareeraka mimamsa Bhashya), with the following observation:
‘’ तथा गच्छत्वमितो बलवर्माण ततो जयसिंह ततः कृष्णगुप्तमिति इति (ब्रह्मसूत्र भाष्ये ४ / ३ / ५) श्रीमच्छङ्कर भगवतत्पादैरुक्तस्तात्कालिक बलवर्म- जयसिंहः कृष्णगुप्तसामयिक एव पूर्णवर्मापि ग्राह्यः स च कलेः २००० वर्षानन्तर एव, नत्वंगलशकस्य सप्तमशतकादिः, स एव समयो भाष्यकृच्छङ्कर-भगवत्पादानां समय इति शिष्टं परिशिष्टे स्पष्टंप्रतिपादयिष्यते । “
The above passage in Sanskrit states that on the basis of Shri Shankaracharya’s observations in the Sutrabhashya (4-3-5 ) it is clear that the period of Shri Shankaracharya must be only after the elapse of 2000 years of the Kaliyuga.
– A.K.A