“सम्प्रदायो हि नान्योऽस्ति शङ्कराद्बहिः”
From the preface of Paramapujyashri 108 Mahant Gangapuriji Maharaj, Sangameshvar Mahadev, Kurukshetra in the book “Prapancasara tantre – Shankaracharyah tantrika sadhana” by Dr. Ramachandra Puri Professor of Lajpat Rai Ghaziabad.
Shri Vidyaranya Yati in His tantrika work Srividyarnava Tantra worships Shankaracharya among the acharyas of tantrika sampradaya and says that tantrika sampradaya is not outside the Sampradaya of Shri Shankarachara.
From the standpoint of philosophical thought Acharya was an advaitin. However Shankara the sadhaka was an upasaka of Bhagavati.
The Shrividya sadhana set forth by Shankaracharya is still prevalent among many renunciate sannyasis. Sanyasis are lokasangrahis and they perform the necessary aadhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika sadhana for the benefit of this world. These sadhanas are elaborated upon by Bhagavatpada in the Prapanchasara. He was as much a lokasangrahi as he was a paramarthadarshi. He spoke of the fourth tattva moksha but did not ignore dharma artha and kama for these are essential steps in the ascent towards moksha.