(Kasi Vijaya Yatra of His Holiness Jagadguru Pujyasri Sankaracharya Swamiji of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, 1934)

“Similarly the local pandits also who met in the Sanga Veda Vidyalaya in connection with Vinayaka Caturti sessions obtained the old manuscript copy of Anandagiri Shankaravijaya from the Rama Taraka Mutt and a copy of Shivarahasya from the Vidyalaya Adhyaksha’s Library.

The Anandagiri manuscript clearly mentions Kerala as the birth place of Shankaracharya as against Chidambaram mentioned in some editions.

The distribution of the five Sphatika Lingas, the establishment of the Kamakoti Peetha, Śhanmatasthapana, the anointment of Sureshwaracharya on the above Peetha and the final siddhi of the Acharya at Kanchi are also clearly stated in the closing chapters.

As regards the narration of the avatar of Shankara Bhagavatpada in the Shivarahasya, a work unpublished in full till now, all manuscripts, whether in Northern India or in the South, have uniformly the same reading and end with the line.

” स काञ्च्यामथ सिद्धिमाप”

Thus the scholars of Benares felt jubilant over their welcoming a representative of Bhagavan Shri Adi Shankaracharya, to which they gave expression in their first Welcome Address, on the 6th of October 1934, in the following words :-