” It is idle for us to attempt to fix the exact period of time when the Master blessed the earth with his presence Scholars who have specialised in the ransacking of old records and re-building the history of the land are of varied opinion and the dates suggested by them range from 509 B C. to 788 A D. that is, for a period of nearly thirteen hundred years.
It may be mentioned however that the Sringeri tradition gives a date between these two limits and that date, namely 44 B. C, is probably neater the truth if we accept the authority of Bhaskararaya, the famous commentator of the Lalita Sahasranama Stotra.
If the Vikramarka Saka is referred to in this stanza, the date given for the birth of Sri Sankara is about 49 B. C.”
(SRI SRINGERI MUTT By R. KRISHNASWAMY AIYAR, M.A, B. L., Advocate, Tennevally – The Journal of the Sri Sankara gurukulam Srirangam, Vol. IV, No. 13.)