In the Bhumika of the book Sareeraka Meemamsa Bhashyam printed and published by Venkateswara Steam Press, Bombay, written by Mahavidvan Kashi Sesha Venkatachala Shastri, son of Pandita Dharmadhikari Shri Venkatasubramania Shastri and grand son of Pandita Dharmadhikari Kashi Sesha Nageshwara Shastri of Mysore, the following observation was made in Sanskrit about the Tungabhadra Sringeri (Kudali) matha established by Jagadguru Shri Shankara Bhagavatpadacharya.
” अन्यस्मै पुस्तकसन्न्यासाश्रमं ददुः, ततः केषुचिद्दिवसेषु व्यतीतेषूक्तः स्वामी ( = यात्रां गतः स्वामी देशयात्रातः प्रतिनिवृत्य) कूडलीमागत्यैनं वृत्तान्तं ( = महाजनैः शृङ्गेरीमठीय पीठाधिपत्ये स्थापितस्यान्यस्य सन्यासिनो वृत्तान्तं श्रुत्वा राज्यस्थाने (हुजूरास) लेखनस्य निवेदनात्पक्षद्वयमपि तेषामाह्वापनद्वारा विचारितम् । तेन चास्माभिस्तत्रत्यैर्महाजनैर्हठेन दत्तः पुस्तकसंन्यासः सत्यः इत्यवगतम् । तथाप्युपदेशसन्न्यासादिकमनेन देयं, पुस्तकसन्न्यासिभिस्तु ग्रामे (शृङ्गेरीग्रामे) एव स्थित्वा श्रीशारदामातृपूजां कुर्वद्भिर्मठे नियमनिष्ठ्या स्थातव्यं शङ्कराचार्यपरम्परागतैः स्वामिभिः देशसंचारादिकं कुर्वद्भिः कूडल्यां (लग्यां) स्थातव्यम्” इति । इदं (प्राचीन लेख – पुस्तक – राजशासन – पत्रिकालेखाद्यनुरोधेन शशिशेखर दामोदरसङ्केश्वरीय विद्याशालाया अध्यापकेन लिखिते ) “श्रीसंस्थानसङ्केश्वर मठ करवीर व सङ्केश्वरचा इतिहास इति नाम्ना प्रसिद्ध मुद्रितपुस्तके स्पष्टम् |”
Note: That this (Tungabhadra Sringeri) Matha was an independent Matha and that it was entitled to use Addapallaki and other paraphernelia was held in Appeal No.22 of 1847 on the file of the court of Huzur Adalat, Mysore. This order was confirmed by the Commissioner of Mysore, by his order dated 1st June, 1849. In the judgment it has also been quoted that “the Parwana of the Phalguna Bahula, 6 of the year Krodhana is to the effect that the (Tungabhadra Sringeri) Kūḍali Swami should always be on tour and that the (Tunga) Sringeri Swami should ever remain at Sringeri worshipping the deity.”- ‘Extract from the Judgement in Appeal No.22 of 1847 in the Court of the Huzur Adalat, Mysore’.- Sri Sankaracharya And Sankarite institutions by Sri Anantanandendra Saraswati of Upanishad Brahmendra Matha.