Q: Why is the Jagadguru Acharya of Tungabhadra Sringeri Matha revered with the special title “Tunga Bhadra Teeravasi”?
A:According to Mahavidvan Kasi Sesha Venkatachala Sastri of Mysore, the Birudu ” Tungabhadra Teeravasi” is associated with the Matha founded on Pitha in the confluence of Tunga-Bhadra rivers.
“शृङ्गेर्याः बहुक्रोशदूरवर्तिनि तुङ्गानद्या भद्रानद्याश्च सङ्गमे (कर्नाटकभाषया कूडल्याख्ये) स्थाने मठं निर्माप्य तत्र विद्याधर्मपीठं च संस्थाप्य तत्पीठाधिकारो येन लब्धस्तेन तुङ्गभद्रातीरवासीति सम्पादितं विरुदम् ।”
He founded a Matha and Vidya-dharma Pitha at the confluence of the Tunga and Bhadra rivers (known as Kudali in Kannada), situated many krosas away from (Tunga) Śṛṅgeri. As a result, the Acharyas came to be known by the title “Tungabhadra – Teeravasi.”
(Bhumika- Sareeraka Meemamsa Bhashyam by Kasi Sesha Venkatachala Sastri, Dharmadhikari & Hereditary Court Pandit of Mysore State, Printed By Venkateswara Steam Press, Bombay, 1913)