(Kasi Vijaya Yatra of His Holiness Jagadguru Pujyasri Sankaracharya Swamiji of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, 1934)
“On the occasion of its annual Convocation, the Banares, Hindu University has after sufficient research by its professors, referred to the Peetha as follows:-
‘ तस्याद्वैतगिरां गुरोर्भगवतः श्रीशङ्करस्योन्नतं
काञ्चीपीठपदं यतीश्वर महन् स्थाने त्वयाधिष्ठितम् ॥”
Pandita Madan Mohan Malavaiyaji
Again on the 19th of March 1935, a monster meeting was held on the grounds of the Benares Town Hall in response to the requisition by about a hundred pandits.
Under the leadership of the Swamiji of the local branch of the Dwaraka Mutt, the traditional Shrimukha of the Peetha along with some verses specially composed for the occasion expressing their considered opinion regarding the status of the Peetha, was read and adopted by the many sanyasins, inclulding the learned austere Karapatriji Dandi Swami, pandits, Mahamahopadhyayas and citizens assembled.
The principal speakers of the day were Ex-Mahamahopadhyaya Pandit Panchanana Tarkaratnaji of Bengal, Giridhar Sharmaji of Jaipur, Pandit Devanayakacharya of the All-India Varnashrama Swarajya Sangha, Pandit Shri-Jeeva Nyayatheertha, M.A. and Sjt. Damodara Dass Khanna of Calcultta.
In the end Mahamahopadhyaya Durgacharan Sankhya Vedantateertha of Calcutta, as a representative of Bengal, invited the Peetha to his province in accordance with the resolutions passed at two successive conferences of pandits at the Bengal Brahmin Sabha and the Shivkumar Bhavan, at Calcutta.
On the next three pages requests by Mandalesvaras, Mahants, scholars and citizens of Varanasi, to His Holiness the Acharya to visit varanasi (1932), can be found”.